Jennifer McFarlane's Wedding
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
JENNIFER MCFARLANE'S WEDDING (S5x48) 5C set Ruary Laidlaw 20171- 8 1s nearer hands joined dance down middle, cast round 5s and dance back up to original places
9-16 All 5 couple set, cross, set and cross back
17-24 1s+2s also 3s+4s dance double Figs 8 (1s and 3s cross down, 2s and 4s dance out and up). 2s and 4s end facing out and up ready for...
25-34 Reflection reels of 5 (10 bars):
Start 1s in/down; 2s out/up; 3s in/down; 4s out/up; 5s in/up (give way to 3s) End 1s face 2s, 3s face 4s on side while 5s face partner across set
35-40 1M+2M, 3+4M turn RH while 1L+2L, 3L+4L turn LH, while 5s turn RH (4 bars). All set on sides (2 bars)
41-48 1s+2s change places (Men RH, Ladies LH), 1s+3s change places other hand, continue progression until 1s reach 5th place. 23451
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
Jennifer McFarlane's Wedding
Ruary Laidlaw 2016
Strathspey 5 x 48 bars 5 Couple Repeat 5 Couple Set Longwise Set
1-8 Taking nearer hands, 1s lead down below 5s and cast up on own sides to places;
9-10 all take hands on the sides and set to partners;
11-12 all cross by the right;
13-16 repeat bars 9-12, 2s 4s finishing facing out and up, 1s 3s retaining hold;
17-24 1s2s 3s4s double figures of 8 across, 2s 4s finishing facing out and up, 1s 3s in and down, 5s in and up;
25-34 1s2s3s4s5s mirror reels of 5 on the sides, finishing in original places, facing as at bar 24;
35-38 1M2M 3M4M turn by the right on the sides WHILE 1L2L 3L4L turn by the left on the sides WHILE 5s turn by the right;
39-40 all take hands on the sides and set to partners;
41-42 1M2M turn by the right halfway on the sides WHILE 1L2L turn by the left halfway;
43-44 1M3M turn by the left halfway on the sides WHILE 1L3L turn by the right halfway;
45-46 1M4M turn by the right halfway on the sides WHILE 1L4L turn by the left halfway;
47-48 1M5M turn by the left halfway on the sides WHILE 1L5L turn by the right halfway, all finishing 2s3s4s5s1s.
(MAXICRIB. Scottish country dancing instructions compiled by Reuben Freemantle)
Dance Notes
25-34 Take hands at every opportunity. Note that this implementation of the rare reel of 5 starts at the beginning of an 8-bar phrase and so has to extend into the first 2 bars of the next phrase.
44-44 Polite turn finish for 3s.
48-48 Polite turn finish for 5s.
Jennifer McFarlane's Wedding 48 bar Strathspey for 5 couples in a longwise set Ruary Laidlaw
Bars 1 - 8 First couple dance down the middle with inside hands joined for four steps and then cast up round the fifth couple back to original place.
Bars 9 - 16 All five couples join hands on the sides, set and cross over to the opposite side, and then set and cross back.
Second couple and fourth couples finish facing out and up, ready for...
Bars 17 - 24 First and second couples, and at the same time, third and fourth couples dance double figures of eight across the dance.
First couple begin by crossing down between second couple who dance out and up to begin.
Third couple begin by crossing down between fourth couple who dance out and up to begin.
They all finish in original places on the side, with second and fourth couples still facing out and up.
Fifth couple stand still.
Second couple and fourth couples finish facing out and up, ready for...
Bars 25 - 34 All five couples dance Reflection Reels of Five on their own sides for 10 bars:
Bars 25 - 34 First couple begin by dancing in and down.
Second couple dance begin by dancing out and up.
Third couple begin by dancing in and down.
Fourth couple begin by dancing out and up.
Fifth couple begin by dancing in and up giving way to the third couple dancing down towards them.
(Note: The couples dancing in and up from the bottom of the Reel i.e. from fifth place, need to "give way" to the couples dancing in and down, as in three couple reflection reels.)
Bars 35 - 40 Finishing the Reel of Five:
First and second couples, third and fourth couples facing each other on the side, and fifth couple facing each other across the set.
The first and second men, third and fourth men, turn with right hands for four steps, while the first and second ladies, third and fourth ladies, turn with the left hands for four steps.
The fifth couple turn each other with the right hand for four steps.
(Note: the second and fourth men turn into place on the side by pulling the right shoulder back, and the second and fourth ladies turn into place on the side by pulling the left shoulder back.)
All five couples then join hands on the sides and set for two steps.
Bars 41 - 42 First couple, dancing in and down, change places with inside hands with second couple, who dance out and up. First couple finish in second place and second couple finish in first place.
Bars 43 - 44 First couple, dancing out and down, change places with inside hands with the third couple, who dance in and up. The first couple finish in third place and third couple finish in second place.
Bars 45 - 46 First couple, dancing in and down, change places with inside hands with the fourth couple, who dance out and up, First couple finish in fourth place and fourth couple finish in third place.
Bars 47 - 48 First couple, dancing out and down, change places with inside hands with the fifth couple who dance in and up. The first couple finish in fifth place and fifth couple finish in fourth place.
The order is now 2, 3, 4, 5, 1
Repeat the dance another four times to finish in original places.
(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Ruary Laidlaw, 17th September 2017)
Dance Instruction Videos
Jennifer McFarlane's Wedding - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction VideoDance Information
Jennifer MacFarlane (nee Littlewood), has been a long time member of the Lochiel Club, Hamilton, New Zealand since she was about 9 or 10 with her mother Jill Littlewood.This strathspey celebrated her marriage to Aaron McFarlane on the 8th January 2016.
The deviser's recommended music is "Lochiel's Awa' Tae France" by Neil Barron.
Jennifer And Aaron McFarlane's Wedding
Image copyright Jennifer And Aaron McFarlane 2016 - All Rights Reserved.
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