Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Kate's Travels

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

Kate's Travels (S4x40) 4C set Sue Petyt

1-2 Second couple cast up, third couple cast down
3-4 Second couple join right hands and dance down, third couple join right hands and dance up
5-8 Second and third couples dance right hands across WHILE first and fourth couples set and cross right hand. Second and third couple finish facing corners. (i.e. second man facing first lady, second lady facing first man, third man facing fourth lady, third lady facing fourth man)
9-10 All set
11-12 Second and third couples change places left hand with corners
13-16 First and fourth men give right hands and cross between second and third ladies, and dance to the ends of the set, WHILE first and fourth ladies give right hands and cross between second and third men and dance to the ends of the set. Fourth and first couples join left hands with their partners and dance up/down to meet in the centre of the set. (2 4 1 3)
17-20 Fourth and first couples dance left hands across. Finish facing corners. (First man facing third lady, first lady facing third man, fourth man facing second lady, fourth lady facing second man)
21-22 All set
23-24 First and fourth couples change places left hand with corners
25-28 Second and third men give right hands and cross between first and fourth ladies, and dance to the ends of the set, WHILE second and third ladies give right hands and cross between first and fourth men, and dance to the ends of the set. (4 3 2 1) Third and second couples join right hands with their partner and dance up/down to meet in the centre of the set. (4 3 2 1)
29-32 Third and second couple dance right hands across WHILE fourth and first couple set and cross right hands. (Fourth, third and second couples finish in the centre of the dance)
33-40 Fourth, third and second couples dance an allemande Repeat from new positions

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Sue Petyt, 1995)

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

Dance Information

Mrs Kate Gibson is a long standing member of Scunthorpe Scottish Country Dance Club, who for many years has attended regularly and helped to keep the club alive.

(Dance information by the deviser, Sue Petyt)

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