Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Kendall's Hornpipe

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

KENDALL'S HORNPIPE (J8x32) 2C (4C set) Book of Graded SCDs

1- 8 1s+2s dance R&L
9-16 1s lead down for 3, up for 3, cross over and cast down to 2nd place
17-24 2s+1s dance Ladies' Chain
25-32 2s+1s advance and retire, 1s turn RH 1½ times

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Kendall's Hornpipe
Anon RSCDS Graded SCDs Book 1
Jig 8 x 32 bars 2 Couple Repeat 4 Couple Set Longwise Set

  1-8   1s2s rights and lefts;

  9-11 1s lead down;

12-14 1s cross up between 2s;

15-16 1s cast to 2nd place on opposite sides;

17-24 2s1s ladies' chain, all finishing facing in;

25-28 2s1s advance and retire;

29-32 1s turn by the right 1½ times.

(MAXICRIB. Scottish country dancing instructions compiled by Reuben Freemantle)

Dance Notes

  9-14 This phrasing is counter-intuitive, especially for beginners.

12-14 Take left hands to facilitate crossing with precedence.

15-16 2s step up, 2M finishing by pulling left shoulder back to face out.

16-17 This transition is particularly awkward for 1M; the dance would flow much more satisfactorily if bars 1-8 and bars 9-16 were interchanged, finishing the rights and lefts with no polite turn and so leaving the Mn facing out ready for the ladies' chain.

    -24 Mn finish with a quick polite turn; completion must not encroach onto the following bar.

See Kendall's Jig for a derivative more suitable for the inexperienced.

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

Dance Instruction Videos

Kendall's Hornpipe - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction Video
Kendall's Hornpipe Crib
Kendall's Hornpipe Crib - Before Minicrib

Image copyright Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary.

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