Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

The Ladebraes Jig

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

THE LADEBRAES JIG (96 bar jig in a square set) Anne-Miek Klokgieters, The Silver Jubilee Book Of Six Scottish Country Dances

1-4 All ladies dance a Petronella-turn one place to the right and set.
5-8 All ladies repeat this movement and finish in opposite ladies' place and set.
9-16 All men repeat bars 1-8.
17-20 1st and 3rd couples dance rights and lefts halfway (no polite turn).
21-24 continue to cast round their corners [2] and turn the person they meet with right hand [2], finish between the standing couples, who have moved away from their partners.
25-32 They dance a reel-of-four, start by giving right shoulder to corner. At the end, couples 1 and 3 finish in their original places.
33-40 2nd and 4th couples repeat bars 17-24.
41-48 2nd and 4th couples repeat bars 25-32 finish in original places.
49-64 Grand chain, start by giving right hand to partner and moving wide and out [2 bars per hand].
65-80 1st couple dances round to the left in slipsteps and picks-up 4th couple, continues round and picks-up 3rd couple, then 2nd couple and continue in a circle round back to original places, finish facing clockwise in couples (men on the outside and ladies on the inside).
81-88 Promenade round, finish in original places.
89-96 Circle to the left and back, finish like in "The Bumpkin".

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Anne-Miek Klokgieters, The Hague, 1973)

Dance Information

This dance, The Ladebraes Jig, was devised on the occasion of the 15th Anniversary of the "The Hague District Branch R.S.C.D.S." in 1973.

It is named after the wellknown Lover's Walk alongside the Kinness Burn in St Andrews.

First published in "The Silver Jubilee Book of Six Scottish Country Dances" by The Hague District Branch R.S.C.D.S. 1983.
Also published in "The Delft Book Of Scottish Country Dances" by The Hague District Branch R.S.C.D.S. 2001.

Recommended music: The New Petronella as recorded by Jimmy Lindsay and his Band on R.S.C.D.S. record number 2.

(Dance information by the deviser, Anne-Miek Klokgieters)

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