Lady Nelthorpe
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
Lady Nelthorpe (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Sue Petyt1-4 First couple set and cast one place, second couple step up on bars three and four
5-8 First couple cross right hand and set WHILE second couple (facing down) and third couple (facing up) set and, dancing in slightly, change places right hands (second man with third man and second lady with third lady) second and third couples finish facing out
9-16 Third, first and second couples dance a reel of three on the sides. Third couple dancing out and down, first couple crossing down to own sides, and second couple dancing out and up
17-24 Third, first and second couples dance a three couple allemande
25-32 Second and first couple dance an all round poussette
Repeat having passed a couple
(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Sue Petyt, 2001)
Dance Information
Music; CD36 Old Masters Volume 1 Track 11 Caledonian Rant.(Dance information by the deviser, Sue Petyt)
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