Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Lady Of Tokai

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

LADY OF TOKAI (S4x32) 4C set Simon Scott To Be A Wind
2s and 4s start on opposite sides

1- 8 All set, cross RH; set and turn partner ¾ RH into Promenade hold (1s and 3s face Ladies' side, 2s and 4s face Men's side)
9-10 1s+2s also 3s+4s change places dancing around each other passing RSh
11-12 1s+4s change places dancing around each other passing LSh
13-14 2s+4s also 1s+3s change places dancing around each other passing RSh
15-16 4s+1s change places dancing around each other passing LSh while
2s+3s face partner facing up/down. 2s+3s separate from partner, 2s dance to 1st place own side, 3s dance to 4th place opposite sides
17-24 2s+4s (in prom hold) also 3s+1s (in prom hold) dance reels of 3 across the dance. 4s pass 2M RSh, 1s pass 3M RSh to begin. 1s and 4s end in line on 1st corner diagonal with ladies BtoB
25-32 4s+1s dance All Round Poussette

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

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