Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

The Laird Of Lochmaben

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

The Laird Of Lochmaben (R5x32) 4C+1Man square set Sue Petyt
A square set with a 5th Man in the centre

Part 1 - The Laird pays his respects to the ladies
1-8 First, second, third and fourth couples set to partners and change places right hand, set to partners again and change places left hand (all back in place) WHILE the 5th man, in the centre of the set, dances a setting step of his choice
9-12 Fifth man turns the first lady right hand and finishes facing the fourth lady
13-16 Fifth man turns the fourth lady right hand and finishes facing the third lady
17-20 Fifth man turns the third lady right hand and finishes facing the second lady
21-24 Fifth man turns the second lady right hand and finishes facing first man
25- 28 First man and fifth man set and turn right hand finishing with fifth man in front of first man, ready for...
29-32 All five men dance right hands across, second, third and fourth men finish back in original places, fifth man finish in first man's place, first man stays in the centre

Part 2 - The Mill - The water tumbles over the Mill race, and the mill wheels grind the corn
1-8 Dancers in first, second, third and fourth couples places, starting with their back to their partners dance right shoulder interlocking reels of three WHILE first man (in the centre) dances a setting step of his choice
9-16 First man circles round and back with first and fourth ladies, on the last step he spins round ready to...
17-24 circle round and back with second and third ladies, on the last step he spins round to face fifth man (in first man's place)
25-28 Fifth man and first man set and turn right hand finishing with fifth man in front of the first man ready for...
29-32 All five men dance right hands across, first, third and fourth men finish back in original places facing out, fifth man finish in second man's place facing out, second man stays in the centre

Part 3 - The Castle - The battlements surround the keep, and the arrow slits can be seen
1-2 Men in first, second, third and fourth couples places join left hand with partner and right hand with corner, all set
3-4 Couples in first, second, third and fourth couples places turn partner half way round with left hand
5-6 Couples in first, second, third and fourth couples places join hands in the square and set
7-8 Couples in first, second, third and fourth couples places turn partner half way round with left hand back to place, all facing inwards
WHILE Second man (in the centre) dances a setting step of his choice
9-16 Second man (in the centre) dances three person rights and lefts with second and third ladies finishing facing first and fourth ladies
 9-10 second man sets while second and third ladies change right hands
 11-12 second lady sets while second man and third ladies change left hands
 13-14 second man sets while second and third ladies change right hands
 15-16 third lady sets while second man and second lady change left hands
17-24 Second man (in the centre) dances three person rights and lefts with fourth and first ladies finishing facing fifth man in second man's place
 17-18 second man sets while fourth and first ladies change right hands
 19-20 fourth lady sets while second man and first ladies change left hands
 21-22 second man sets while fourth and first ladies change right hands
 23-24 first lady sets while second man and fourth lady change left hands
25-28 Fifth man and second man set and turn right hand finishing with fifth man in front of the second man ready for...
29-32 All five men dance right hands across, first, second and fourth men finish back in original places, fifth man finish in third man's place, third man stays in the centre

Part 4 - The Kirk - The procession takes place under the spire
1-8 Dancers in first, second, third and fourth couples places, promenade clockwise round the set WHILE third man (in the centre) dances a setting step of his choice.
9-16 Third man (in the centre) dances right hands across and left hands back with first and fourth ladies.
17-24 Third man dances right hands across and left hands back with second and third ladies finishing facing fifth man (in third man's place)
25-28 Fifth man and third man set and turn right hand finishing with fifth man in front of the third man ready for...
29-32 All five men dance right hands across, first, second and third men finish back in original places, fifth man finish in fourth man's place, fourth man stays in the centre.

Part 5 - The Blue-eyed Lassie - Robbie Burns is captivated
1-8 Dancers in first, second, third and fourth couples places, circle round and back WHILE fourth man dances a setting step of his choice.
9-16 Fourth man dances a reel of three with first and fourth ladies giving left shoulder to fifth man (in fourth man's place), round him and behind first man. Fourth lady dances in front of fifth man (her current partner), behind first man, round him and behind fifth man to place. First lady pulls right shoulder back, dances behind her partner, round him, behind fifth man, round him, back to place.
17-24 Fourth man dances a reel of three with second and third ladies, giving right shoulder to third man to begin, dancing behind third man, round him, behind second man and finish facing fifth man (in fourth man's place) Second lady dances in front of her partner, behind third man, round him, behind her partner and back to place. Third lady pulls right shoulder back, dances behind her partner, round him, behind second man, round him and back to place.
25-28 Fifth man and fourth man set and turn right hand finishing with fifth man in front of the fourth man ready for...
29-32 All five men dance right hands across, all finish in original places.

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Sue Petyt, 2001)

Dance Information

Could The Laird Of Lochmaben be Robert the Bruce?
This reel, The Laird Of Lochmaben, is composed of 5 parts, each part is different, but with a similar theme.

(Dance information by the deviser, Sue Petyt)

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