Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

The Lang Rigg

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

The Lang Rigg
Maggie and Duncan Keppie Haliburton School Of Arts SCD Book 6:
3/6x32 Bar Jig
3-couple dance in 3-couple set

  1-8   PETRONELLA, SET AND TURN: all petronella into a line in the middle, set, and turn partner 1¼ with right hand staying in the middle;

  9-16 DOWN MIDDLE AND UP IN ALLEMANDE HOLD: 3rd couple followed by 2nd and 1st couples lead down the middle, keeping right hands joined both swivel to their left into allemande hold, then dance up the middle staying in the centre;

17-24 RIGG: women unwind changing sides with partner (2 bars), 1st, 2nd, and 3rd couples chase clockwise halfway round to own sides (4 bars), and set;

25-32 ½ RH WHEEL, CROSS AND SET: top two couples (3rd and 2nd couples) dance right hands across halfway, cross right hands with partner, and set (ending order: 2-3-1).

Repeat twice.

(Dance crib compiled by the devisers, Maggie and Duncan Keppie)

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