Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Leandor's Jig

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

LEANDOR'S JIG (J4x64) 4C set L+A+D Currie RSCDS Leaflet Dances 14

1- 8 1L+4M advance towards each other, turn RH, turn LH and dance back to places
9-16 1M+4L repeat
17-20 2s+3s advance to partners, 2s lead up and cross over to end BtoB between 1s as 3s dance down and cross over to end BtoB between 4s
21-24 All set, couples on Men's side turn round by RH as couples on Ladies' side turn round LH all end facing down
25-32 All dance down, individually turn right about and dance up 1s+2s turning to Right to face 3s+4s
33-36 All set, 1s+4s change places RH (with partners) across the dance as 2s+3s change places RH up/down dance
37-40 All set in lines across, 1s and 4s cross RH to original places while 2s+3s dance RH across ½ way to original places
41-48 All set to partners, all cross RH, all set, 3s and 4s cross RH as 1s+2s dance in for Allemande
49-56 1s+2s dance Allemande but 1s end by leading down and turning to face up above the 4s as 4s dance in (3s step up)
57-64 1s+4s dance Allemande

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

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