Liam Thomas
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
LIAM THOMAS (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Gaye Collin, 20181- 8 1s turn 1¼ RH to finish 1M behind 1L facing down. 1L followed by partner dances ½ Fig of 8 round 2M to end 1L between 2s
9-16 1L joins nearer hands with 2s and dances down middle with 1M following, all turn by right to face up, 1M picks up 2s to dance back up to top with 1L following
17-24 1M followed by 1L casts round 2L then 1L dances down round 3L while 1M dances up round 2M, both finishing in 2nd place own side
25-32 1s+3s dance R&L. 213
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
Liam Thomas
Gaye Collin
Jig 8 x 32 bars 3 Couple Repeat 4 Couple Set Longwise Set
1-4 1s turn 1¼ times by the right, finishing on the centre line, M behind L, facing down;
5-8 1L, followed by 1M, chase clockwise around 2M, 1L finishing between 2s with nearer hands joined;
9-12 followed by 1M, 2M1L2L dance down, release hands and turn about to face up;
13-16 followed by 1L, 2M1M2L dance up and release hands, 2s finishing in 1st place;
17-20 1L, followed by 1M, chase clockwise around 2L finishing on the centre line, L behind M, facing up;
21-24 1M dance anticlockwise around 2M WHILE 1L dance anticlockwise around 3L to finish 2s1s3s on own sides;
25-32 1s3s rights and lefts.
(MAXICRIB. Scottish country dancing instructions compiled by Reuben Freemantle)
Dance Notes
17-24 This sequence could also be regarded as a figure of 8 across by 1M and a figure of 8 on her own side by 1L.
Dance Instruction Videos
Liam Thomas - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction VideoDance Information
This jig was devised in early August 2018 to celebrate the arrival of our 4th grandchild, Liam Thomas, born on July 15th 2018.The recommended tunes are "The Union Jig" and "The Comeback Jig" on the CD, "Moments in Time", by Jim Lindsay, Keith Smith and Muriel Johnstone.
(Dance information by the deviser, Gaye Collin)
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