Life Begins At Fifty
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
LIFE BEGINS AT FIFTY (32 bar reel for 4 couples) Anne-Miek Klokgieters, The Delft Book Of Scottish Country Dances1-4 1st and 4th couples dance a petronella turn into the centre to face partners and set.
5-8 2nd and 3rd couples repeat, while 1st and 4th couples continue petronella to opposite side and set.
9-12 2nd and 3rd couples turn partners right hand ΒΌ way round [2], and dance right hands across halfway round to opposite side [2].
13-16 2nd and 3rd couples cross over left hand [2] and dance left hands across halfway round to opposite side [2].
17-24 All couples dance reels of four on the sides (2nd and 3rd couples passing right shoulder to finish).
25-28 1st couple cast off on the opposite side to 4th place (2nd, 3rd and 4th couples step up on bars 27-28).
29-32 All couples set and cross over.
Repeat, with a new top couple.
(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Anne-Miek Klokgieters, The Hague, 1995)
Dance Information
Dance devised for Tom and Anja Wetemans on the occasion of their 50th anniversary April 2 and September 8, 1995.Music composed by Alastair C.Hunter.
(Dance information by the deviser, Anne-Miek Klokgieters)
Additional search terms: Life Begins At 50.
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