Lilburn Tower
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
LILBURN TOWER (S8x32) 3C (4C set) Peter Avery Newcastle Half Century Book1- 8 1s dance in and cast (2s do not step up), 1s pass LSh and 1s+2s dance ½ RSh reel of 4 (2s dance to Left to start). 1s finish nearer hands joined facing down on opposite side between 2s
9-16 1s dance down, cast up round 3s. 1s pass LSh and 1s+3s dance ½ RSh reel of 4 (3s dance Left to start) 1s finish nearer hands joined facing up between 3s
17-24 1M+2L+3L dance LH across while 1L+2M+3M dance RH across. Starting bar 21, all cross in order 1L, 1M, 3M, 3L, 2M, 2L, to join other hands across
25-32 1s followed by 3s+2s dance up and cast (1s to 3rd place, 3s to 2nd place, 2s to 1st place); 1s+3s turn 1½ on sides (Men LH, Ladies RH), finishing with polite turns. 213
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
Dance Information
This dance was devised by Peter Avery in 1998 and published in Newcastle Half Century Book, a collection of dances published to celebrate the golden jubilee year (2000) of the Newcastle And District Branch Of The RSCDS.Recommended music: Lilburn Tower by Freda M Phillipson.
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