Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Lillian's Century

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

LILLIAN'S CENTURY (S5x32) 5C Set Kay Russell Addlestone 80th

1- 8 1s set, cross RH, set cross back RH while 2s+3s+4s+5s circle 8H round and back
9-16 1s and 2s also 3s and 4s dance the Tourbillon:
 9-12 1s and 2s (3s and 4s) ½ turn partners 2H, 1M (3M) and 2L (4L) lead partners by nearer hand 1 place clockwise (end 1s (3s) on Ladies' side and 2s (4s) Men's side) All set
 13-16 1s and 2s (3s and 4s) ½ turn partners 2H and lead partners clockwise to 2s in 1st place (4s in 3rd place) and 1s in 2nd place (3s in 4th place) then both cross RH to own sides. 21435
17-20 2s+4s+5s set, cross RH (5L finishes facing out) (2)1(4)3(5)
21-24 5L followed by partner dances behind Men to top place on own sides while 2s and 4s cross LH down two places and cast into place (2s to 3rd place, 4s to 5th place) 51234
25-32 2M+3s+4s also 2L+5s+1s circle 5H round and back

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Published in MiniCrib - The Addlestone 80th Anniversary Book Of Scottish Dances, 1933 - 2013.

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