Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Link Aroon

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

Link Aroon
Maggie and Duncan Keppie Gaelic College SCD Book 11: Three Dozen
32 bar Jig/Twostep
Walking Steps used throughout
Round-the-Room dance, couple facing couple, woman on man's right

  1-8   CIRCLE AND BACK: 4 hands round and back, 8 walking steps each way;

  9-16 BACK-TO-BACK, PASS AND ½ RIGHT HAND WHEEL: back-to-back with the opposite person, pass opposite person by the right shoulder and right hands across halfway round;

17-24 BACK-TO-BACK, PASS AND ½ LEFT HAND WHEEL: back-to-back with the opposite person, pass opposite person by the left shoulder, and left hands across halfway round, ending in allemande hold with partner;

25-32 ALLEMANDE: walk anticlockwise round the opposite couple 1½ times progressing to meet next couple round the room.

Repeat with next couple round-the-room.

(Dance crib compiled by the devisers, Maggie and Duncan Keppie)

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