Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Ma's Medley

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

MA'S MEDLEY (M-2x(S32+R32)) Sq.Set Trevor Rayner Pensioner's Collection

1- 4 1M+3M pass RSh turning right and passing RSh change places with 4M/2M as 4M+2M pass RSh turning right to...
5- 8 2M/4M with 1L/3L dance ½ Ladies' Chain (giving LH in passing and turning LH at end)
9-12 1L+3L pass LSh turning left and passing LSh change places with 4L/2L as 4L+2L pass LSh turning left to...
13-16 2L/4L with 4M/2M dance ½ Men's Chain (giving RH in passing and turning RH at end) 4321
17-24 1s+3s dance RH across and chase ½ way to change places. 4123
25-32 All circle 8H round and back

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Dance Notes

This medley is danced Strathspey, Reel, Strathspey, Reel.

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