Memories Of Arran
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
MEMORIES OF ARRAN (S96) Sq.Set Jean Shaw 1991Part A
1- 8 All face partner and dance ½ Grand Chain (1 bar each hand), set advancing to partner and turn 2H
9-16 All continue Grand Chain back to places, set advancing to partner and turn 2H to face in nearer hands joined
17-32 All advance into centre, retire with corners, set Highland Schottische to corners, turn corner 2H (4 bars) to face in nearer hands joined, advance with corners and retire with partners to original places
Part B
33-36 1s and 3s cast away from partner, dance ¼ round set to meet opposite dancer behind standing 2s/4s, dance in between 2s/4s and curve away from partner to face 2s/4s (lines of 4 across)
37-44 Reels of 4 across, 2s and 4s ending in original places, 1s+3 omit passing LSh to end in line up/down with Ladies BtoB in centre facing partners (1M facing down, 3M up)
45-48 1s+3s set to partners and turn 2H back to places
49-64 2s and 4s repeat bars 33-48, with reels up/down, ending in lines across, Ladies BtoB in centre facing partners
Part C
65-80 All advance into centre, retire with corners, set Highland Schottische to corners, turn corner 2H (4 bars) to face in nearer hands joined, advance with corners and retire with partners to original places
81-96 All face partner and dance ½ Grand Chain (1 bar each hand) set advancing to partner and turn 2H. All continue Grand Chain back to places, set advancing to partner and turn 2H to face in nearer hands joined
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
Dance Information
Arran or the Isle of Arran (pronounced "ar-ran") (Scots Gaelic: "Eilean Arainn") is the largest island in the Firth of Clyde, Scotland.Arran Hills Viewed From The Mainland
Published in
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Text from this original Isle Of Arran article on Wikipedia.
Image copyright wfb under this Creative Commons Licence 2.0.
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