Scottish Country Dance Instruction
MILLITEAS (R6x32) 3C set Christian R Petersen Scandinavian Dance Book 11- 8 All Ladies advance and retire; All Men advance and retire
9-16 1s dance down, followed by 2s+3s (who dance up sides to start); 1s followed by 2s+3s cast back to original places
17-20 1s dance down, cast up round 3s to 2nd place own side (2s step up 17-18)
21-24 1s dance ½ reels of 3 across, 1s pass 1st corner LSh to start. End all on opposite sides. (2)(1)(3)
25-32 1M+2s and 1L+3s dance RH across; 1s pass RSh to dance LH across with other couple. (2)(1)(3)
Dance is repeated "inverted" with 3s at bottom dancing as new 1s
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
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