Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Miss Elizabeth McGillivray

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

MISS ELIZABETH MCGILLIVRAY (R2x64) Sq.Set Lily Davison Glenfeshie book 2
4 bar intro - honour partner, honour corner

1- 8 Ladies dance RSh around their corner and across to next Lady's place to right and set to 'new partner'
9-12 All Petronella turn (Ladies in, Men out) and set turning to the right
13-16 Ladies dance RH across once round while Men dance ½ round anticlockwise to meet partner in square set opposite original places
17-24 1s+3s slip step across (Men pass BtoB), set to partner (start with L foot) and slip step back (Ladies pass BtoB) and set to partner
25-32 2s+4s repeat 17-24
33-40 Men dance LSh around their corner and across to next Man's place to left and set to 'new partner'
41-48 All repeat 9-16
49-56 Double reels of 4 across: Men dance in and pass LSh in middle while Ladies dance into partner's place to start. All touch hands briefly when passing LSh in middle
57-64 All turn corner LH; all turn partner RH

Repeat 1-64 to end in original places

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

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