Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary


Scottish Country Dance Instruction

MONCHALI (J4x32) 4C set Pat Kent Nova Scotia Collection 2017

1- 8 1M+2L also 3M+4L turn ¾ RH, Men cast up, Ladies cast down to original places; 1s+2s also 3s+4s circle 4H round to left
9-16 1L+2M also 3L+4M turn ¾ LH, Men cast down, Ladies cast up to original places; 1s+2s also 3s+4s circle 4H round to right
17-24 1s lead down, Bar 20: 2s+3s+4s face down; 1s followed by 4s+3s+2s lead up, remaining in centre ready for...
25-32 All 4 couples dance allemande

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

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