Scottish Country Dance Instruction
MONICA (R3x48) 3C set Rod Downey Lower Hutt SCD 60th Anniversary1- 8 1s cross RH and cast to 2nd place, 1s dance ½ Fig of 8 round 2s
9-16 1s ½ turn RH to finish nearer hands joined facing 3M. 1s set to 3M. 1s+3M dance RH across. 1s finish in 2nd place opposite sides
17-24 1s ½ turn LH to finish nearer hands joined facing 3L. 1s set to 3L. 1s+3L dance LH across. 1s finish 1M facing 2M, 1L following partner
25-32 1s dance Alternating Tandem Reel of 3 with 1st corners. Finish 1M facing 3M
33-40 1s dance Alternating Tandem Reel of 3 with 2nd corners. 1s finish 2nd place on own side, 1M facing out
41-48 Reels of 3 on side 1s+3s pass LSh to start. 1s+3s dance extra loop to change places. 231
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
Monica 48 bar Reel for 3 couples Rod Downey The Tuatara Collection
A three couple 48 bar reel in a three couple set.
1-4 First couple cross over giving right hands and cast off into second place; second couple step up on 3 and 4.
5-8 First couple dances a half figure of eight up around the second couple to finish in second place on own sides.
9-10 First couple turn half way giving right hands, and finishing staying in the middle with nearer hands joined facing third man.
11-12 First couple sets to third man.
13-16 First couple and third man, dance right hands across finishing in second place on opposite sides, third man finishing in original position.
17-24 First couple repeat 9-16, but use left hands and with the third woman. At the end the first man with his partner behind him finishes facing the second man.
25-32 First couple, second man and third woman dance a lead change (tandem in the manual) diagonal reel of three, beginning by giving right shoulder to second man. Finish the reel facing third man (with first man again leading).
33-40 First couple, second woman and third man dance a lead change reel of three second couple giving LEFT shoulder to third man to begin. Finish ready for...
41-48 First man dances a left shoulder reel of three on the side with the second and third men, beginning by giving left shoulder to third man; and similarly the first woman a left shoulder reel of three with second and third women. At the end the first and third couples should dance a bit extra in the reel to finish with first couple in third place and third couple in second place. All dancers should dance directly into place (no loops).
Repeat with a new top couple.
(Dance crib compiled by the deviser Rod Downey, Johnsonville SCD Club Tutor)
Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams
Dance Information
The deviser gave this dance, Monica, to another dancer and friend, Monica (Juping) Zhou, on the occasion of her 50th birthday. Devised 27 July, 2010.For the very energetic, the dance could finish with no extra in the reel, at the end in places 2,1,3 and then could be danced as an 8 x 48 R.
Bars 9-24 are taken from a dance devised by Iain Boyd (which it turns out borrows from an earlier idea of Alec Hay).
Recommended music: "The Quarry Cross" (traditional) and acceptable alternative music is either "The Original Sett of Killiecrankie (Niel Gow)" or "Clogs in the Snow" (L. Linden) preferably played AABBAB.
Suitable recordings for the second or third options are 75th Anniversary Dances (Craig McCallum's Scottish Dance Band), track 2, and "Reels", track 6 of "Peter MacFarlane (Fiddle) and Lilian Linden (Piano)"
(Dance information from The Tuatara Collection Of Scottish Country Dances, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Rod Downey)
Published in The Tuatara Collection, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Rod Downey.
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