Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Mrs Charlotte Harrison

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

MRS CHARLOTTE HARRISON (M-(S32+R64)) Sq.Set Lily Davison Glenfeshie book 2

1- 8 All dance interlocking reels of 4 (pass partner RSh to start)
9-16 1s+3s set and change places, 1s dancing between 3s, turn away from each other and dance back to place while 3s separate and cast behind 2s/4s to place
17-24 2s+4s repeat 9-16
25-32 All set to partner and turn RH, set to corner and turn LH

1- 4 1s+3s set and dance ½ RH across to face side couples
5- 8 All set and dance ½ LH across (1M+3L+4s, 3M+1L+2s)
9-16 All dance parallel reels of 4 across, finishing in 'longways set' across the dance, Ladies' side: 3M 2L 4M 3L, Men's side: 1L 2M 4L 1M
17-32 All dance "Men's Chain and Set":
 Men cross RH, set to Lady on right and turn LH (4 bars); repeat back to place
33-40 2s+4s repeat 1-4 to form lines up/down set; repeat 5-8 (4M+2L+3s, 4L+2M+1s)
41-48 All dance parallel reels of 4 up/down, finishing 2M 3L 1M 2L, 4L 3M 1L 4M
49-64 2M 3L 1M 2L also 4L 3M 1L 4M dance "Ladies Chain and Set": Ladies cross RH, set to Man on right and turn LH (4 bars); repeat to all finish in original places in square set

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

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