Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

The Pandemic Reel

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

PANDEMIC REEL (R1x32) 1C set Marla Bright Pandemic Set Of Dances
For 1 dancer in 1 dancer set. Any number of dancers in their own rooms. Couch as 1s and coffee table as 3s and beverage as 4s

1- 8 Dancer casts behind own couch and chases back to place
9-16 Dance DoSiDo around coffee table and slip step away from the table and back
17-24 Dance down the hallway, into the kitchen, grab a beverage and dance back to place
25-32 Set while placing beverage on table, turn on the spot twice using pas-de-basque and retire to the couch, sit and enjoy

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

The Pandemic Reel
Marla Bright  
Reel 1 x 32 bars 1 Dancer Repeat 1 Dancer Set Round the Room Set

  1-8   Cast behind own couch, dance around the end and back to place;

  9-12 dos-à-dos around coffee table;

13-16 slip step away from the coffee table and back;

17-24 dance down the hallway, into the kitchen, grab a beverage and dance back to place;

25-26 set while placing the beverage on the coffee table;

27-30 set, turning on the spot, twice;

31-32 retire to the couch, sit and be ready to enjoy.

(MAXICRIB. Scottish country dancing instructions compiled by Reuben Freemantle)

Dance Notes

It may be necessary to rearrange furniture or simply to adapt the instructions to suit one's own accommodation.

17-24 Extend this phrase to 16 or more bars if necessary.
The beverage may be wine, beer, whisky or your own preference.

(Dance notes by Reuben Freemantle)

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

Dance Information

Many Scottish Country Dancers suffer withdrawal symptoms on discovering that, by reason of age and despite being naturally active, the 2020 Coronavirus regulations place them in the demographic required to self-isolate.

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