Paradise Dream
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
PARADISE DREAM (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Kelly Milne San Diego 45th Anniversary1- 8 1s+2s set, turn RH (4 bars), petronella turn to line of 4 in centre (Ladies facing down/Men up)
9-16 1s+2s dance ½ RSh reel of 4 (2L+1M pass LSh at end) to end Ladies facing up, Men Down; All chase clockwise back to original place
17-24 2L followed by 1L dance tandem reel of 3 across with 3s (RSh to 3M). End 2L in 1st place, 1L in 2nd place own side
25-32 2M followed by 1M dance tandem reel of 3 across with 3s (LSh to 3L). End 2M in 1st place, 1M in 2nd place own side. 213
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
Dance Notes
Bar 17: 3rd woman may begin the tandem reel of three by casting up, thus allowing 2nd and 1st woman time to pass.(Dance notes by MINICRIB)
Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams
Dance Instruction Videos
Paradise Dream - YouTube Scottish Country Dancing Instruction VideoDance Information
This dance began as a dream while camping in Paradise, Michigan in October 2017.It was inspired by the beautiful autumn foliage and the twirling, dancing leaves falling in the wind.
(Dance information by the deviser, Kelly Milne, 2024)
Paradise Dream - Tahquamenon Falls, Paradise, Michigan, October 2017
Image copyright Dave Kershberg, all rights reserved, 2017.
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