Scottish Country Dance Instruction
POOHSTICKS (J4x40) 4C set Gillian Mackintosh Aurora 2nd Book1- 4 1s cross down RH to 2nd place opposite sides as 4s cross up LH to 3rd place opposite sides (2s and 3s step down/up). 1s and 4s set to partners
5-8 1s+4s dance RH across while 2s and 3s set advancing, ½ turn 2H (pas-de-basque) to face partners raising arms to make arches
9-12 1L followed by 4L casts out and up Men's side to top and under arch made by 2s into 3rd/2nd place own sides facing down while 4M followed by 1M dance similar casting out and down Ladies' side, under arch made by 3s into 2nd/3rd place own sides (2s and 3s drop hands, remain in centre)
13-16 1L followed by 4L dance ½ tandem reel of 3 on sides with 3M+2M (pass 3M RSh) while 4M followed by 1M dance similar with 2L+3L (pass 2L RSh)
17-20 As bars 5-8 but LH across
21-24 As bars 9-12 but 1L+4L cast out and up Ladies' side, under arches made by 3s to 3rd/2nd place opposite sides, 4M+1M cast out and down Men's side, under arches made by 2s to 2nd/3rd place opposite sides
25-28 As bars 13-16 but passing LSh to start
29-32 1s+4s dance ½ RH across and set. 2413
33-40 All circle 8H round and back
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
Dance Information
Poohsticks is a sport first mentioned in The House at Pooh Corner, a Winnie-the-Pooh book by A. A. Milne.It is a simple sport which may be played on any bridge over running water; each player drops a stick on the upstream side of a bridge and the one whose stick first appears on the downstream side is the winner.
Young Couple Playing Poohsticks At Fen Bridge On The River Stour
Image copyright Glyn Baker under this Creative Commons Licence 2.0.
Additional search terms: Pooh sticks.
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