Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

P's And C's

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

P's And C's
Maggie and Duncan Keppie Gaelic College SCD Book 7: Around A Dozen
32 bar Jig
One Circle of couples, woman on right of partner

  1-8   ADVANCE AND RETIRE: Women advance and retire, then men advance and retire;

  9-16 SET TWICE AND BACK-TO-BACK: Set twice to partner and dance back-to-back with partner;

17-24 TURN PARTNER AND CORNER: turn partner once round with right hand, then corner 1ΒΌ times round with left hand ending in promenade hold with corner;

25-32 PROMENADE: promenade corner anticlockwise ending in circle.

Repeat with new partner.

(Dance crib compiled by the devisers, Maggie and Duncan Keppie)

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