Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

The Quaker (Davison)

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

THE QUAKER (J2x64) Sq.Set Lily Davison Glenfeshie Book 2

1- 8 All Promenade round anticlockwise ½ way, set to partner (Men on inside) and ¾ turn 2H
9-16 1s+3s dance Ladies' Chain while 2s+4s turn partners LH and dance 6 bars of Ladies' Chain. All end facing anticlockwise with Ladies on inside
17-24 All Promenade round ½ way, set to partner (Ladies on inside) and ¼ turn 2H to original places
25-32 1M+3M cross RH and turn to right, 3M+1L and 1M+3L cross over diagonally (3M+1L between 1M+3L) to change places, 2s+4s repeat (2M+1L between 4M+3L) ending 4123 with Ladies on Men's right
33-36 1s+3s, nearer hands joined with partner, cross (pass RSh) with Ladies turning under Man's right arm
37-40 1s+3s cast 1 place to left (1s to 3rd place, 3s to 1st place) while 2s+4s cross with Ladies turning under Man's right arm
41-44 2s/4s dance out between 1s/3s and cast left (4s to 2nd place, 2s to 4th place) with Ladies on Men's left
45-48 All turn corners LH
49-56 3s+1s cross (1s make arch) and cast away from each other to form lines up/down with 4s and 2s. All set and cross RH
57-60 2s+4s cross (2s make arch) and cast away from each other to form lines across with 1s and 3s
61-64 1s+3s set and cross RH while 4s and 2s change places RH with partners to form square set in order 3412 ready to repeat once more

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Dance Information

Also see the dance Quaker (Levy) by Milton Levy. Quakers, formally recognized as the Religious Society of Friends, trace their roots back to 17th-century England and the leadership of George Fox.

Emerging during a period of religious upheaval, Quakerism distinguished itself by prioritizing a direct connection with God, rejecting established rituals and hierarchical worship structures.

At the heart of Quaker beliefs lies the principle of the "Inner Light", representing the divine presence within each individual. The unique Quaker worship experience involves silent meetings, where participants gather in communal silence and only speak when prompted by the Inner Light.

Throughout history, Quakers have been notable for their steadfast commitment to peace, equality, and social justice. Actively involved in movements like the abolition of slavery and the promotion of women's rights, Quaker values embody principles of simplicity, integrity, community, and equality.

The Religious Society of Friends has undergone diverse interpretations and developments over time, giving rise to various branches within the Quaker community. Despite this diversity, a shared dedication to simplicity, peace, and social responsibility remains a defining aspect of Quaker identity.

Quaker George Fox

Dance information licensed under this Creative Commons Licence 3.0.
Text from this original Quakers article on Wikipedia.
Image copyright (cropped) Internet Archive Book Images, No restrictions, via Wikimedia Commons.

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