Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Queen Of The Seas

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

Queen Of The Seas (S4x32) 4C square set Sue Petyt

1-8 First and third couples join nearer hands with partners and set. Then take promenade hold and passing each other right shoulder, first couple dance right shoulder round fourth couple and back to place WHILE third couple dance right shoulder round second couple back to place
9-16 Second and fourth couples join nearer hands and set. Then take promenade hold and pass each other left shoulder, second couple dance left shoulder round third couple back to place, WHILE fourth couple dance left shoulder round first couple back to place
17-20 All face corner. Set to corner and change places right hand. (first lady with fourth man, first man with second lady, third man with fourth lady, third lady with second man)
20-24 All face next person, set and change places left hand, polite turns where necessary. (first lady with third man, first man with third lady, second lady with fourth man, fourth lady with second man)
25-32 All circle round and back

Repeat from new positions with the person previously opposite you as your new partner. You will dance twice with your partner and twice with the person who was opposite you when you started

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Sue Petyt, 2011)

Dance Information

Devised on board the Cunard Liner Queen Elizabeth for the dancers in Halifax Nova Scotia as a thank you for the warm welcome I received on my visit.

The dance was then modified with the assistance of the dancers from the Nova Scotia Branch at the workshop held during my visit.

(Dance information by the deviser, Sue Petyt)

Queen Of The Seas
Queen Of The Seas
The Cunard Liner RMS Queen Elizabeth 2

Published in
Dance information licensed under this Creative Commons Licence 3.0.
Image copyright Tim Dyer licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

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