Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Red House Revisited

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

RED HOUSE REVISITED (R8x40) 2C (4C set) John Morris Vallin Collection 1

1- 8 1s+2s dance LH across and RH across. 1L face out
9-16 1L, followed by partner, casts, crosses above 2M, casts to 2nd place opposite sides then crosses to 2nd place own side. 1s turn Right about ready for...
17-24 1M, followed by partner, repeats 9-16 in reverse to original places
25-32 1s+2M dance 6 bar reel of 3 on Men's side (1M+2M pass LSh as 1L crosses to bottom of reel). (1M+2M pass LSh as 1L crosses to top)
33-40 1s+2L dance 6 bar reel of 3 on Ladies' side (1L+2L pass RSh as 1M crosses to bottom of reel). (1L+2L pass RSh as 1M crosses to 2nd place)

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

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