Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Reel Pets

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

Reel Pets
Maggie and Duncan Keppie Gaelic College SCD Book 11: Three Dozen
3x32 bar Reel
3-couple dance in 3-couple set

  1-4   WHEEL UP: 1st and 2nd couple dance right hands across once round;

  5-8   WHEEL DOWN: 2nd and 3rd couples dance left hands across once round (end with 2nd man facing out with his partner just behind him);

  9-16 ½ TANDEM REEL OF 3 WITH CORNERS: 2nd couple (in tandem) dance a reel of 3 halfway with 1st corners, starting by passing 1st man by the right shoulder (as 2nd couple pass around 1st man's place they switch the lead), then 2nd couple dance a reel of 3 halfway with 2nd corners, starting by passing 2nd man by the right shoulder (as 2nd couple pass round 2nd man's place they switch the lead);

17-24 ENDS SET AND PETRONELLA TWICE, AS CENTRES CROSS AND CAST TWICE: 1st and 3rd couples Set and Petronella to next place on the right (1st woman to 1st man's place, 1st man to 3rd man's place, 3rd man to 3rd woman's place, and 3rd woman to 1st woman's place), Set and Petronella to next place on the right, AS 2nd couple cross right hand, cast to the right, cross up and down by the right, and cast to the right (all end in original places);

25-32 1ST SET, CROSS, CAST, AND CROSS: 1st couple set and cross by the right, cast off two places, and cross by the left (2nd and 3rd couples step up on bars 29-30).

Repeat with new top couple.

(Dance crib compiled by the devisers, Maggie and Duncan Keppie)

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