Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

The Road To Rothesay

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

THE ROAD TO ROTHESAY (R3x32) 3C set Daphne Gair Imperial Book 2 1971

1- 8 1s set, cast (2s step up); 1L+2s and 1M+3s dance RH across
9-16 1s dance RSh round 1st corner, approach partner in centre, pull back RSh and dance RSh round 4th corner into 2nd place own side (1M face down, 1L face up)
17-24 2s+1s+3s dance 6 bar reels of 3 on sides (1s RSh to 4th corner), 1s turn LH to face 3rd corner
25-32 1M+2s and 1L+3s dance 6 bar reels of 3 across (1s LSh to 3rd corner), 1s cross down RH to 3rd place own side (3s dance up). 231

Note: If danced in 4C set, Bars 31-32: 1s cross to 2nd place own side. 213

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

Dance Instruction Videos

The Road To Rothesay - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction Video

Dance Information

The town of Rothesay is the principal town on the Isle of Bute, Scotland.

Rothesay - Information Video

Rothesay Pier

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Text from this original Rothesay Bute article on Wikipedia.
Image copyright William Craig under this Creative Commons Licence 2.0.

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