Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Scotties Dancing

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

SCOTTIES DANCING (R4x32) 4c Set Andrew and Heather Hodgson Fields Of Gold

1- 8 1s+4s set, cast down/up (2s+3s step up/down bars 3-4), cross RH, cast up/down (2s+3s step down/up) (1s/4s finish facing down/up) (1)23(4)
9-16 "Best Set in the Hall" figure but on the sides, not on the diagonal:
 9-10 1L+2M, 1M+2L, 3M+4L also 3L+4M set to each other
 11-12 2M+3M also 2L+3L pull back RSh to dance round each to ends of the set while 1L+4L also 1M+4M dance towards each other, pull back RSh to finish BtoB facing partners' original places. 3(1)(4)2
 13-14 All set
 15-16 1L+4L also 1M+4M pull back RSh and dance round each other to the ends of the set while 3M+2M also 3L+2L dance towards each other, pull back RSh to finish BtoB. (4)32(1)
17-24 All dance RSh reels of 4 on the sides
25-28 4M followed by 4L also 1L followed by 1M dance ½ way clockwise round the set to own sides
29-32 1s+3s also 4s+2s dance ½ RH across, retain RH with partner and turn 1½ times. 3142

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

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