Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

The Senior Citizen's Reel

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

THE SENIOR CITIZEN'S REEL (R5x32) 5C Sq.Set Trevor Rayner Pensioner's Collection
5s in middle facing each other, 5M with back to 4s and 5L back to 2s

1- 8 1s+2s+3s+4s circle 8H round and back while 5s set and change places RH, set and ¾ turn LH to 5L facing 1s and 5M facing 3s
9-16 5L turns 1M RH while 5M turns 3L RH, 5s pass RSh to turn 3M/1L LH and pass LSh to face 1s/3s
17-20 5L dances ½ RSh reel of 3 with 1s+4s (in prom hold) while 5M dances ½ reel of 3 with 3s+2s and 5s end facing side couples
21-24 5L dances ½ RSh reel of 3 with 1M+3L (in 4th/2nd places) while 5M dances ½ reel of 3 with 3M+1L
25-28 5s dance LH across ½ way (5L with 1s in 2nd place and 5M with 3s in 4th place), 5s dance in between 1s/3s as 1s/3s turn left about to face in
29-32 5s dance out between top/bottom couples casting to right and turn RH to face 4s (at top), 5s+4s dance RH across ½ way

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Dance Notes

Suggestion for the less agile: 29-32 5s turn RH to face 4s (at top) and 5s+4s dance RH across ½ way. 51234

Dance Instruction Videos

The Senior Citizen's Reel - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction Video

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