Set And Drink
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
SET AND DRINK (R4x32) 4 Couple Set Malcolm Brown 20111- 8 1s and 2s Set and Link twice (1L finishes facing out)
9-16 1st time through, 1L casts below 4s, dances up the middle to place while 1M dances down the middle to below 4s and casts up to place
9-16 2nd time through, 1s dance a figure of eight on the side
9-16 3rd time through, 1s+2s+3s reel of three (1s+2s pass RSh)
9-16 4th time through, 1s+2s+3s+4s reel of four (1s+2s and 3s+4s pass RSh)
1L finishes facing out
17-24 1s and 2s ½ RH across, 1s and 3s ½ LH across, 1s and 4s ½ RH across, All clap and cross over RH
25-32 All circle 8 hands round and back (with "Yo Ho Ho" at change of direction)
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