Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Silver Roses

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

SILVER ROSES (M-(2xS40)+(2xR40)) Sq.Set Ken Martlew Berkhamsted Diamond Collection

1- 8 All Ladies dance ¾ RH across, dancing out to position facing 'new' Man, all set, all turn RH
9-16 All Men dance ¾ LH across, dancing out to position facing 'new' Lady, all set, all turn LH (all new pairs now facing partners across set)
17-24 End couples (2s and 4s with 'new' partners) cross RH with own partners, Ladies cast and followed by 'new' partner dance clockwise ½ way round outside. Man dances in between and Lady round side couple, into centre pulling back RSh to face own partner and turn 2H to original places
25-32 Side couples (1s+3s) repeat 17-24
33-40 8H round and back

Repeat once more in strathspey time and twice in reel time

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

Dance Instruction Videos

Silver Roses - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction Video
"Roses" Vincent van Gogh (1853-1890), Oil On Canvas, c. 1890

Image copyright (cropped) Vincent van Gogh, public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

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