Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Sleepless Nights

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

SLEEPLESS NIGHTS (J8x32) 3C (4C set) Martin Sheffield

1- 8 1s petronella turn into centre and set, turning to right (individually) and cast round 4th corner to 2nd place own side
9-12 1s set as 2s and 3s ¾ turn RH, 1s+2M+3L (centre 4) dance LH across ½ way while 2L and 3M dance round clockwise to sides
13-16 3L+2M set holding LH as 1s ½ turn 2L/3M, 3s+2s (centre 4) dance LH across ½ way as 1s dance round clockwise to centre
17-20 2L+3M set holding LH as 1L+2M also 3L+1M ½ turn RH, 1s+2L+3M (centre 4) dance LH across ½ way while 2M and 3L dance round clockwise to sides
21-24 2s and 3s turn partners 1¼ times (on sides) while 1s set and change places passing RSh to form a circle (Ladies at top and Men at bottom)
25-32 1s+2s+3s circle 6H round to left to end all on opposite sides, all set and cross back RH. 213

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Dance Information

Also see the dance Sleepless Night by Birgit Frie.
Sleepless Nights
"A Woman Lying Awake In Bed" Rembrandt (1606-1669), Pen And Brown Ink On Paper, c. 1635-1640

Image from (cropped) Rembrandt, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons.

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