Snow Angels
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
SNOW ANGELS (S4x32) 4C set Gail Sibley Katannuta Book1- 8 1s and 4s chase clockwise back to places while 2s+3s dance Tournée:
1- 4 2s+3s dance into prom hold (Men with partner on right, 2s face Men's side and 3s face Ladies' side), both couples wheel anticlockwise ½ way and Men turn Ladies into middle
5- 8 Both couples turn 1½ times (3s RH, 2s LH) and dance out to places. 1324
9-16 1M face 3M also 2M face 4M and 3L face 2L set and turn 2H, 1L face 3L also 2L face 4L and 3M face 2M set and turn 2H
17-24 All set and 1s+3s also 2s+4s dance ¾ R&L. 3142
25-32 All circle 8H round to left and pivot left and continue circle left back to places
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
Dance Information
A snow angel is a design, made in fresh snow, by lying on one's back and moving one's arms up and down, and one's legs from side to side, to form the shape of an angel.Making snow angels is a common childhood game.

Making Snow Angels
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