Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Snow In October

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

SNOW IN OCTOBER (S8x32) 2C (4C set) Hans Prade Snow Collection Strasbourg

1- 4 1s cross over RH and cast off one place, while 2s move up [3-4] and face out
5- 8 1M and 2L turn RH, while 1L and 2M turn LH. 1s finish the turn side by side facing up, while 2s, turning towards each other, finish side by side at the top, facing down
9-16 All set, circle 4H once round to the left finishing on the side lines, and set facing across. 2(1)
17-24 2s and 1s dance The Swirl:
 17-18 2s and 1s dance ½ RH turn with partner, finish in Allemande hold facing the other couple up (1s) or down (2s)
 19-20 Both couples set advancing, passing each other, to finish back to back with the other couple. Keeping left hands joined, they release right hands and, turning towards partner, form a left hand wheel. 1(2)
 21-24 LH across
25-32 Half R&L, then 2s stand, while 1s turn both hands 1½ to own sides

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Dance Notes

The two couples finish The Swirl having changed places and sides.
Snow in October (S8x32) 2C (4C set)

1 - 4 1s cross over RH and cast off one place, while 2s move up [3-4] and face out.
5 - 8 1M and 2L turn RH, while 1L and 2M turn LH. 1s finish the turn side by side facing up, while 2s, turning towards each other, finish side by side at the top, facing down.
9 - 16 All set, circle 4 hands once round to the left finishing on the side lines, and set facing across. (2,(1))
17 - 24 2s and 1s dance "The Swirl":
17 - 18: 2s and 1s dance ½ RH turn with partner, finish in Allemande hold facing the other couple up (1s) or down (2s).
19 - 20: Both couples set advancing, passing each other, to finish back to back with the other couple. Keeping left hands joined, they release right hands and, turning towards partner, form a left hand wheel. (1,(2))
21-24: LHA.
(Note: The two couples finish the swirl having changed places and sides.)
25 - 32 Half R&L, then 2s stand, while 1s turn both hands 1½ to own sides.

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Hans Prade)

October Snow
October Snow

Published in Collection.pdf
Image copyright Pudelek (Marcin Szala) (Own work), Creative Commons Licence 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

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