Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

The Snow Wave

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

The Snow Wave (R4x40) 4C, Méaudre Reel 2021
Devised by Manon Le Duc, Lise Marchand and Lilia Mélé Angevin

1-8 1s+4s dance Petronella turn into centre, set to partner, finishing in a line up and down in middle of the set
1s+4s dance half RSh Reel of 4 up and down on midline
9-16 1s+4s dance Petronella turn and set to partner, finishing 4231
2s+3s dance half RH across and set, finishing 4(3)(2)1
17-24 3s+2s dance set and rotate, finishing 4(2)(3)1
25-32 4s+1s set, turn RH (2 bars), twirl and set to partner
while 3s+2s set, half turn RH (2 bars), twirl and set, finishing 4231
33-40 4s+2s and 3s+1s dance poussette, finishing 2413

(Dance crib compiled by the devisers, Manon Le Duc, Lise Marchand and Lilia Mélé Angevin)

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

Dance Instruction Videos

The Snow Wave - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction Video

Dance Information

As no dancing was allowed in France because of the pandemic, the Méaudre Reel (France) decided to organise a weekly SCD creation workshop to keep its teenagers active. This workshop lasted for 3 months, from February to April 2021.

The teenagers were impressive with their creations, so eager to be dancing again. We thus decided to gather all the Méaudre Reel dances and have a book printed: Dancing In Vercors Book 1.

The Snow Wave was created by one of the teenagers' teams during a SCD creation workshop. One girl was dreaming of surfing in Martinique while the two others were dreaming of "surfing" down the ski slopes... but in pandemic times, only surfing on paper is possible!

The suggested tune for this dance, The Snow Wave, is Snow Wave - 40 Bar Reel By Roddy Johnston - Music Full Size

(Dance information by Sophie Marchand)

Snow Waves
Snow Waves

Here is the original crib for The Snow Wave, published in Méaudre Reel 2021, also available as a .pdf The Snow Wave (Portable Document Format).
Dance information licensed under this Creative Commons Licence 3.0.
Image copyright Luis Rodero-Merino from Madrid, Spain, Creative Commons Licence 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

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