Something In The Air
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
SOMETHING IN THE AIR (S8x32) 2C (4C set) Pam Stephens RSCDS book 531- 8 1s dance Fig of 8 round 2s (give RH crossing down, LH crossing back to place)
9-16 1L+2M turn 1¼ LH into diagonal line facing partners; 1s+2s dance ½ Poussette. 2 1
17-24 2s+1s set and link; 1s+2s circle 4H round to left. 1 2
25-32 1s+2s dance 'Rose Progression':
25-26 1M+2L facing in diagonally set while 2M+1L change places RH to face out
27-28 1M+2L ½ turn 2H to face each other as 1L+2M dance into partners place
29-30 1M+2L cast into each other's place as 1L+2M ½ turn 2H to face each other
31-32 1M+2L dance into 2nd/1st place own side while 2M+1L pull back RSh cast to 1st/2nd place own side. 2 1
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
Dance Notes
Original description S6x32 (3C set), RSCDS Book 53 changed to S8x32 (4C set)Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams
Dance Instruction Videos
Something In The Air - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction VideoDance Information
This dance, Something In The Air, was inspired by the set of Song Airs on "A Dancer's Best Friend" played by the trio, Terpsichore, (Elke Baker (fiddle/viola) Liz Donaldson (piano) Ralph Gordon (bass/cello)).
Tartini Statue, Tartini Square (Named After Violinist And Composer Giuseppe Tartini), Piran, Slovenia, Sculptor: Antonio Dal Zotto (1841-1918)
Image copyright Photo:Richard Huber, Sculptor: Antonio dal Zotto (1841-1918) Creative Commons Licence 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons.
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