The Sorting Hat
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
THE SORTING HAT (R5x40) 5C Set Wiebke E Luedtke and Jenna Rein, 20231- 8 1s+2s also 4s+5s circle 4H round to left (6 bars), pull back LSh and chase back to place while 3s cross LH and cast (3M up, 3L down) round outside to place. 12345
9-16 All chase anticlockwise ½ round to opposite side; 3s cross LH and cast up to top while 5s+4s (at top) set and cross LH with partner moving down 1 place and 2s+1s (at bottom) set and cross LH. 35421
17-24 3s (at top) turn RH (4 bars), make arch while 1s followed by 2s, 4s and 5s cast up to top and dance down under arch 1s to 3rd place on sides, 2s between 1s, 4s to 2nd place on sides and 5s between 4s (i.e. 4 Men in square on Ladies' side, 4 Ladies in square on Men's side and 3s on own side at top)
25-28 4 Men circle 4H round to left while 4 Ladies circle 4H round to right
29-32 Men chase ½ round anticlockwise while Ladies chase ½ round clockwise, 1s+4s dance down to 4th/5th place while 2s+5s ½ turn (Ladies LH, Men RH) 35214
33-36 3s+5M (at top), 5L+2s+1M (middle) and 1L+4s (bottom) dance LH across
37-40 3s+5L (at top), 5M+2s+1L (middle) and 1M+4s (bottom) dance RH across. 35214
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams
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