Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Southsea's Golden Year

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

SOUTHSEA'S GOLDEN YEAR (M-(S64+R64)) Sq.Set Andrew and Anthea Sharp Southsea 50

1- 8 All dance interlocking reels of 4 (RSh to partner to start)
9-16 All dance Double Men's Chain with Men giving LH in centre
17-24 1s and 3s set to partner, 1s+3s dance 6 bars of R&L (RH to partner to start)
25-32 2s and 4s repeat 17-24
33-40 1s+3s ½ turn RH, pull back RSh and dance out to opposite place; 2s+4s repeat. Ladies end facing out ready for...
41-56 All dance Schiehallion reels
57-64 All circle 8H round to left 1 place (2 bars), dance in to centre (1 bar), pull back RSh and dance out to next place round (1 bar); repeat circle, twirl and out to finish in original places. 1234

1- 56 Repeat Strathspey bars 1-56
57-64 All circle 8H round to left (3 bars) pull back LSh and chase anticlockwise back to place. 1234

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

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