Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Spinkie Den

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

SPINKIE DEN (S3x32) 3C set Nan Lawson Glasgow 75th Anniversary

1- 8 1L+2M change places RH, 1s+2s circle 4H round to left ½ way, 1M+2L change places RH and 1s+2s circle 4H round to left ½ way
9-16 1s followed by 2s lead down and 2s followed by 1s lead back Men crossing partner in front of them to own sides
17-24 1s set, dance up between 2s, cast, dance down between 3s and cast up to 2nd places. 213
25-32 1s+3s set and rotate:
 Set, rotate singly and dance on 1 place clockwise, change places RH on sides and dance on 1 place to own sides. 231

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Dance Information

There are a number of places locally called Spinkie Den. One on the outskirts of St Andrews, one on the outskirts of Dundee and one between the two, at Guardbridge.

The Spinkie Den associated with this dance is probably at Letham Glen, Scoonie Brae, Leven, Fife, Scotland.

Spinkie Den
The Glen, Leven, Fife

Image copyright Jim Bain under this Creative Commons Licence 2.0.

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