Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Spinning Wheel (Croot)

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

SPINNING WHEEL (R5x32) 5C Sq.Set David Croot
5 couple square set: 5s in centre facing, Man with back to 4s and Lady with back to 2s

1- 8 5s set turning to right to face sides as others circle 8H round to right ¼ way, 5s set rotating to right to face each other as others set and repeat
9-16 5L+4s (in 2nd place) also 5M+2s dance RH across, 5s pass RSh to dance LH across (5L with 1s (in 3rd place) and 5M with 3s) 5s passing LSh to face sides
17-20 4s and 2s in prom hold dance ½ LSh reel of 4 across with 5s (5M facing 2s (4th place) and 5L facing 4s), 5s passing LSh to face top/bottom
21-24 3s and 1s dance similar ½ LSh reel with 5s who end facing 4s (all now in original places)
25-32 5s+4s dance ½ RH across, 4s+3s dance ½ RH across, 3s+2s dance ½ RH across and 2s+1s dance ½ RH across to end 2345 and 1s in centre

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

Dance Instruction Videos

Spinning Wheel (Croot) - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction Video

Dance Information

A spinning wheel is a device for spinning thread or yarn from natural or synthetic fibres.
Spinning Wheel
Elderly Woman At A Spinning Wheel, 1890-1900

Dance information licensed under this Creative Commons Licence 3.0.
Text from this original Spinning Wheel article on Wikipedia.

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