The Strathclyde Strathspey
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
THE STRATHCLYDE STRATHSPEY (S4x32) 4c Set Alasdair Brown Eglinton Collection2 chords - on 2nd chord 3s and 4s cross to opposite sides
1- 8 2s+3s set and dance ½ RH across. 3s+2s set and dance ½ LH across and stay in middle to face corner dancer (e.g. 2L faces 1L)
9-16 All 4 couples dance quadruple reels of 4
2s+3s dance diagonal interlocking reels of 4 with corner positions (LH across ½ way in middle) while 1s (in 1st place) and 4s (in 4th place) dance reels of 4 across
To finish 2L+3M nearer hands joined facing partners in the middle of the set
17-20 2L+3M also 2M+3L set and link to finish nearer hands joined with partners, 2s facing up, 3s facing down
21-24 2s+3s set and link to finish in the sides
25-32 1s+3s also 2s+4s dance modified 2 couple Knots:
25-26 1s and 3s turn RH into Allemande hold to finish between middle of the set and Men's side while 2s and 4s turn RH into Allemande hold but finish between the middle and Ladies side
27-28 Top 2 couples dance down the Men's side and the bottom 2 couples dance up the Ladies' side to change ends
29-32 All turn partner 1¼ LH. 24(1)(3)
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
Dance Information
Strathclyde (meaning Strath (valley) of the river Clyde) was one of nine former local government regions of Scotland created in 1975 by the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 and abolished in 1996 by the Local Government etc. (Scotland) Act 1994. The Strathclyde region had 19 districts.The region was named after the early medieval Kingdom of Strathclyde centred on Govan, but covered a broader geographic area than its namesake.
Strathclyde, situated on the west coast of Scotland, spanned from the Highlands in the north to the Southern Uplands in the south. Encompassing parts of the Inner Hebrides, it also housed Glasgow, Scotland's largest urban area. As a local government region, Strathclyde boasted a population exceeding 2.5 million, making it the most populous region and hosting half of Scotland's total population.
Strathclyde was a medieval kingdom encompassing parts of present-day Scotland and northern England. Established in the 5th century, it endured until the 11th century. The kingdom of Strathclyde, named after the River Clyde, featured prominently in early British history. It interacted with neighboring entities, confronting Viking invasions while preserving a distinct cultural identity of its own.
The kingdom's capital was Dumbarton and eventually became part of the Kingdom of Scotland after political shifts and Norman influence. The territory covered regions like Argyll, Ayrshire, and parts of Cumbria. Archaeological evidence includes sites like Govan Old Parish Church.
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Text from this original Strathclyde article on Wikipedia.
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