Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

A Strathspey For Aileen

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

A Strathspey For Aileen 8x32 Strathspey, Neville Pope

1-6 1st woman, followed by her partner, casts off around 2nd lady, crosses down between 3rd couple and casts up around 3rd man into 2nd place, crossing towards her own side. 2nd couple step up on bars 3-4.
7-8 1st and 3rd couples dance RH across half-way.
9-14 2nd man, followed by his partner, casts off around 3rd lady (2nd man's position), crosses down between 1st couple (in 3rd place) and casts up around 1st man into 2nd place, crossing towards his own side. 3rd couple step up on bars 11-12
15-16 2nd and 1st couples dance LH across half-way, finishing in the sidelines.
17-20 1st couple turn LH 1¼ times to finish facing their 1st corner position (partner's 1st corner person).
21-24 1st couple and 1st corners dance a half-reel of four, but 1st couple do not pass left shoulders, dancing in ready to take LH.
25-28 1st couple turn LH 1¼ times to face their 2nd corner position (partner's 2nd corner).
29-32 1st couple and 2nd corners dance a half reel of four, but 1st couple pass RS through the middle, so that 1st lady is facing out and down ready to begin the dance again and 1st man pulls back RS to curve into place, ready to follow his partner.

Repeat having passed a couple.

(Dance crib compiled by the deviser, Neville Pope, October 2007)

Dance Notes

At the end of the repeat, 1st couple pass LS to the foot of the set (i.e. the lady crosses in front), 4th lady (having danced as 1st corner, steps up on bars 31-32) and 4th man (dancing as 2nd corner) dances a little extra distance at the end of the half-reel to curve up into 3rd place.

The dancing couple should dance out to the sidelines at the end of Bar 16, but continue moving through their position without stopping, coming in again to take LH for the turn. This creates a slight spiralling effect.

The dancing couple must watch their phrasing on bars 21-28. They need to take a fairly wide loop and/or shorter steps while the corners dance the half-reel, taking hands for the turn only at the beginning of bar 25. The turn is a wide, slow turn.

(Dance notes by the deviser, Neville Pope)

Dance Information

This dance was devised for Aileen Hughes of Batemans Bay, with many thanks to Warren and Aileen for their hospitality after Winter Schools.

Recommended music: Any good strathspey. As the dance has no setting steps, a smooth strathspey, but with a consistent, firm beat is recommended.

Recommended Recording: Track 3 on All Set by David Cunningham: Thom's Highland Fling - Back o' the Change House - Lord o' The Isles - Jimmy Shand's Compliments to Miss Jean Milligan - South Inch House - Miss Dow's Fancy - Gertie Gibb.

(Dance information copyright, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Neville Pope, 2010)

Published in Sturt Desert Pea Book 2010, copyright, reproduced here with the kind permission of the deviser, Neville Pope, 2024.

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