Three's The Charm
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
THREE'S THE CHARM (J3x32) 3 persons in a line Martha Morrison Veranth Let's All Dance1- 8 Centre person dances Fig of 8, begin by passing end person on right RSh
9-16 Reel of 3, centre person passes end person on right RSh
17-24 Centre person turns end person on right RH then turns person on left ½ LH
25-28 End persons change sides, person on right dancing in front of new centre person, and end person on left behind
29-32 End persons advance and retire (towards/away from centre place) while centre person retire and advance (up/down)
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
Dance Notes
Original text:1-8 1 dances Fig of 8 round 2 and 3 (RSh to 2)
9-16 3 dances Fig of 8 round 2 and 1 (RSh to 2)
16-32 As above
(Dance notes by MINICRIB)
Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams
"The Three Perfumes" Margaret MacDonald Mackintosh (1864-1933), Pencil/Watercolor, c. 1912
Image copyright Margaret MacDonald Mackintosh, public domain, via WikiArt.
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