Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

Twirling Circle

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

Twirling Circle
Maggie and Duncan Keppie Gaelic College SCD Book 7: Around A Dozen
32 bar Strathspey
One Circle of couples, women on right of partner

  1-8   ADVANCE, RETIRE, ½ TURN, TWIRL, AND TURN: All advance and retire to partner (1 step each way: 2 bars), turn halfway with right hands and twirl to partner place (i.e. retaining right hands dance toward partner, and pulling right shoulder back dance to partner's place), then turn partner ¾ round with right hands;

  9-16 CHASE: Men dance anticlockwise round an inner circle AS women dance clockwise round outer circle (4 bars), pull right shoulder back and chase back to partner;

17-20 TURN: turn partner 1¼ times around with left hands to original places;

21-24 SET: Set to partner with Glasgow Highlanders Setting Step;

25-28 ½ CIRCULAR REELS OF 3: all dance a ½ reel of 3 starting by passing partner by the left shoulder and the next person by the right shoulder; and reversing direction

29-32 TURN: turn new partner 1½ times around with both hands.

Repeat with new partner.

(Dance crib compiled by the devisers, Maggie and Duncan Keppie)

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