Twisted Rights And Lefts
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
TWISTED RIGHTS AND LEFTS (R8x32) 3C (4C set) Gaye Collin, 20181-6 1s+2s cross RH, 1L+2L also 1M+2M turn ¾ LH on the side to finish in Balance-in-Line across the set and all set
7-8 1M+2L cast by the right to finish 1M in 2nd place and 2L in 1st place own side
while 1L+2M dance round each other to finish 1L in 2nd place and 2M in 1st place, 1s face up
9-16 1s dance up, round 2s by RSh (1L in front of 2L, 1M behind 2M) and 1L followed by 1M dances down the middle, 1L casts up round 3L to 2nd place while 1M casts up round 3M to 2nd place
17-20 2s+1s+3s advance for 2 steps, set and turn to right (Ladies facing up, Men facing down)
21-24 2L followed by 1L+3L dance up a little and cast to 3rd place while 3M followed by 1M+2M casts up through 3rd place to 1st place (3s and 2s face clockwise)
25-28 3s+2s chase clockwise round outside of the set for 4 bars
29-32 2M+3L curve in to finish in a line in centre 2L above 2M, 3L above 3M and turn partner 1¼ RH to finish in the side lines. On bar 29 1s turn RH. 213
(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)
Twisted Rights and Lefts
Gaye Collin
Reel 8 x 32 bars 3 Couple Repeat 4 Couple Set Longwise Set
1-2 1s 2s cross by the right, 1s finishing facing down, 2s up;
3-4 1L2L 1M2M turn ¾ by the left, finishing 2L1L2M1M in line across, 2s facing down, 1s up;
5-6 2L1L2M1M balance-in-line across;
7-8 2L 1M pull right shoulder back and chase clockwise WHILE 1L2M turn halfway by the right, finishing 2s1s on own sides, 1M facing out;
9-10 1M cast up, 1L dance in and up, finishing above 2s, 1L facing out;
11-12 1L cast to 2nd place WHILE 1M cross, finishing facing out;
13-16 1L dance anticlockwise around 3L WHILE 1M cross down below 3M and cast up, finishing 2s1s3s on own sides;
17-20 2s1s3s take hands on the sides, advance, set, release hands and pull right shoulder back to finish Mn facing down, Ls up;
21-24 Mn Ls separately chase clockwise halfway to finish 3s1s2s on own sides, 2M 3L facing out;
25-28 3s2s chase clockwise to finish 2L2M 3L3M on the centre line, Ls facing down, Mn up;
29-32 2s 1s 3s turn by the right to finish in own sidelines.
(MAXICRIB. Scottish country dancing instructions compiled by Reuben Freemantle)
Dance Notes
1-8 The deviser has given this figure the same name as the dance.
9-16 This sequence is a combination of a figure of 8 on her own side by 1L and cast up, cross and cross down into half figure of 8 across by 1M.
13-16 1M must move quickly.
21-24 A quite sedate chase.
Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams
Dance Instruction Videos
Twisted Rights And Lefts - Scottish Country Dancing Instruction VideoDance Information
The recommended tune is "The Road to the Border", on the CD, "Moments in Time", track 14 by Jim Lindsay, Keith Smith and Muriel Johnstone.This reel was devised in early June 2018 while playing around with different versions of the Rights and Lefts formation.
(Dance information by the deviser, Gaye Collin)
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