Tying The Knot (Keppie)
Scottish Country Dance Instruction
Tying The KnotMaggie and Duncan Keppie Gaelic College SCD Book 2: Six And Half A Dozen
Strathspey 3 x 32 bars 3 Couple Repeat 3 Couple Set Longwise Set
1-8 1ST COUPLE SOLO: 1st couple dance down the middle nearer hands joined (2 bars), set to each other, dance up the middle nearer hands joined, and cast into 2nd place (2nd couple step up);
9-12 1ST AND 3RD COUPLES ½ WHEEL AND CROSS: 1st and 3rd couples dance right hands across halfway and then cross over with partner by the right hands;
13-16 2ND AND 3RD COUPLES ½ WHEEL AND CROSS: 2nd and 3rd couples dance left hands across halfway and then cross over with partner by the left hands;
17-24 ALL SET AND KNOT: nearer hands joined on the side, 3rd, 2nd, and 1st couples set (2 bars) and dance the Knot (6 bars), all ending on the opposite side of the set in original order;
25-32 ALL SET, PETRONELLA, TURN AND PROGRESS: nearer hands joined on the side, all set, petronella into the middle, turn partner ¾ round with both hands, then 1st couple cast to 3rd place AS 2nd and 3rd couples dance up and out to 1st and 2nd places, respectively.
Repeat with new top couple.
(Dance crib compiled by the devisers, Maggie and Duncan Keppie)
Dance Information
Also see the dance Tying The Knot (Glasspool/Hall) by Terry Glasspool And S Hall.Also see the dance Tying The Knot (Maarseveen) by Irene van Maarseveen.
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