Scottish Country Dancing Dictionary

The Wallflower

Scottish Country Dance Instruction

THE WALLFLOWER (S4x32) 7 Person set Isabel Neves Iberian Commemorative Book
Start: 3 couples in Triangular set with 4th Lady in middle
2 chords - 1st chord all bow/curtsey to 4L, 2nd chord bow/curtsey to partner

1- 4 1s+2s+3s face partner, join 2H and away from centre and back into place (Highland Schottische - Ladies left foot, Men right foot start) while 4L faces 1s and sets (Highland Schottische setting)
5- 8 1s turn 2H twice while 4L dances round them by RSh into middle to face 3s
9-16 4L+2s+3s (both in prom hold) dance reel of 3 (4L LSh to 3s). 4L end in middle facing 1s
17-24 4L sets to 1s, then 3s, then 2s and faces 1s, 1s+2s+3s turn partner ¾ 2H to end nearer hands joined facing anticlockwise (Ladies on left of partners) while 4L dances LSh round 1s to join LH with 1M's RH
25-28 All dance 2 places anticlockwise round
29-32 2s+3s turn partners 1¼ 2H (in 3rd/1st place) while 1s+4L circle 3H ½ round to left (2 bars), 1L pulls back RSh, dances into middle to face up as 1M+4L ½ turn 2H to become new 2nd couple. End 3s [4L+1M] 2s with 1L in centre

Repeat 3 times - each Lady has turn in centre. End - all bow/curtsey to 4L in centre

(MINICRIB. Dance crib compiled by Charles Upton, Deeside Caledonian Society, and his successors)

Keith Rose's Crib Diagrams

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